"Growing up, I was surrounded by a rich Mexican heritage, and was taught at an early age the importance of family. My father, along with my uncles, built a well-known construction house that expanded to various states in Mexico; their hard work paid off and drove them to success. The vast extravagance of my life made me feel as if I were part of royalty, however, like in every fairy tale, a sinister villain invaded my castle. Unfortunately for us, the awful circumstances of my country betrayed us. The envious rivals took my king away, and left my family and me broken in every aspect. The vast emptiness left by my father helped me understand an important concept of life. I created a single expectation for myself, and that was to be successful in every manner in order to make my king proud.
Moreover, success is not defined by the amount of fame or fortune, it consists of unity among loved ones and the power to enjoy it. It was not long after that I figured out how to achieve the bliss of success, and that is through doing what I have an ambition for--Fashion Design. My ultimate goal is to keep my family together and resume our upper class status by building my empire in the fashion world. That includes, owning my very own fashion house in which I can share my culture, upbringings and aspirations. I have a strong believe that the way I was raised and the traditions carried out in my Hispanic family, have shaped me into the woman I am today. I wish to share that with anyone who can relate to me, and to also show those who don’t understand the reasons for who I am. The Brito Fashion House is my dream.When I arrived to this new country, not only did I embrace its language and culture, I also learned that this was the country of opportunities. So I have taken mine. " ( Excerpt from application essay)
Good evening readers, for tonight post i hope to inspire at least one person, i want to share with the world the reason for my drive--my motivation. I have gone through a rough road, but because of it i have created a persona i am proud of. Most people do not understand the concept of success, it is not about how much money you posses but the how rich you are in happiness. Is happiness measurable? sure. What is happiness? it depends in your definition of it, for me it is revolves around my family. Of course money has to do with it, anyone who says other wise is only lying to themselves. With that said, my drive to fortune is to never again, for the rest life have to worry that money will be the reason stopping my family from doing what they love. I lived that life once and i will only do the impossible to have it back. Unfortunately, our world is surrounded by the value of currency. But you cannot be ignorant enough to believe that all that you need to be happy is money. In life there is so much more that many fail to see because of the society we have been placed in. Most people fail to live, they only exist. They go day by day only wishing for their desires and the only thing stopping them is the voice placed in our heads telling us that it's only for the lucky, that its not meant for everyone, they lied. Anything you wish for you can have with the work put into it. The only exceptions are the lazy and the comfortable. Not only that, but do not let politics or your roots be the compass of your destination. Politics were created by men who have no intention of sharing their throne; do not let where you come from be the reason stopping you of where you are going. I was born in a different country but i have chosen this one to create my life. It is not that i am not proud of where i am, on the contrary where i come from is most precious.Should i change my dreams and plans because of a border line. I refuse. I am a dreamer. Just like we do not decide on what corner of the globe we are born we do not chose the family that is given to us. I am fortunate enough to be blessed, but that is not always the case. Don't let your surrounding be your burden. Break free of any chains around your wrist placed by society; you are human, you have dreams all you need is the courage to stand out of the rest, and act upon your dream.
"A dream, without a plan is only a wish."
Forgive my deep thinking. We dont have to share the same beliefs to embrace the power of our choices. I do not mind sharing my life. Like i said i only hope to inspire.. that is all.
Goodnight fashionistas! Find your courage.XOXO-LB
Good evening fabulous readers, who ever you may be; I just want to share some of my theories. My life has seemed to fallen in place within these last two years, and many people my age wouldn't be able to say that. With all I have accomplished and experienced, I have learned stuff in different perspectives that has opened my eyes like never before. I most importantly found the answer to the torturing question I can never seem to figure out during the beginning of my high school years, "What do you want to do after you graduate?"
As I started figuring out who I was and who I wanted to become, I made sure to create a path that was going to bring me nothing but pure happiness; fashion. Fashion had taken over my world ever since I was young and I didn't even realize it. I made a decision that I recommend everyone to do - Turn passions into a career.
Not many people know the secret to success. The answer is simple; happiness. We only have this one life, nothing should be wasted and we all deserve to be happy. Happiness comes when any one chases after their dreams, and at the same time will bring success. Many people that I have came across have huge dreams, yet are afraid to go after them and I can't wrap my head around it. After all, what is the worst that can happen? I have got the pleasure of coming across people that know what they want in life and I admire all who tell me their passions and how they are related to their future goals.
At the end of the day, nothing can be handed to you but support from others. YOU are in charge of your reality and I hope you all have to courage to create something unimaginable. You can blame no one but yourself for any sadness or regrets. We all deserve it to ourselves to have everything we want, we just have to go get it with all the hard work and dedication.
I advise anyone who wants to get inspired and motivated to go watch The Secret. (can be found on Netflix) This film is very powerful in the sense that you can create anything you want in this world. The law of attraction is something I believe in one hundred percent. It is the idea that thoughts become things. If you think positive thoughts, that will be the outcome of your reality. Any negative thoughts will come true, such as relationship or even money problems. "What you think about and thank about you bring about."
With all this aside, keep in mind that the world is literally in the palm of your hands. Be humble and always be thankful for every moment you get because you will never ever get the time back, but just the memories that stay. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Stay dedicated and don't let anyone bring you down.
I hope to inspire at least one person tonight :)
Goodnight loves!
XOXO- Amanda Villegas
- Broadcasting Aspirations Scholarship : The Carrie Diaries
"Before there was sex, before there was the city, there was just me - Carrie, Carrie Bradshaw."
The Carrie Diaries - My guilty pleasure after work on late Friday nights. In other words, an inspirational show about a young ambitious teenager who is in high school and surrounded by the city, fashion and dreams. What more can a girl like me ask for? This series is the prequel to the infamous Sex and the City. Dated back in the 1980's, during Carries early years striving to make it into her dream career; as a well known writer. The television show is very inspiring to a young girl like me who wants to be surrounded by fashion and the city. Nonetheless, Carrie's style is gorgeous as well as the other characters; such as Larrisa Loughlin.
Larrisa has something admiring about her… that I enjoy. Maybe it is her fashion, her confidence or her sassy attitude. She is a very courageous woman and I would hope to one day become someone as inspiring as her; a style editor for a well known magazine living in New York with an extravagant wardrobe. With that aside, she pushes Carrie to her full potential because she seen greatness in her from the moment she laid her eyes on her and hired her as an intern.
Carrie and I share a similar drive to our passion by going after what we want to better our future. She is dedicated and strives for the best, which is a great image for all girls my age. When I was this show, I wish I lived back in her time at my age just for the amazing fashion full of crazy trends in the 80’s. Carrie shines from the rest of the classmates at her high school with her fashion, good grades and an intern position at a famous magazine in the city of New York. With the support from her father, he allows her to chase those crazy dreams of hers; just like my amazing parents.
This TV series sets the bar from others simply because it inspires me and makes me realize anything is possible; most shows doesn't have that much effect on me.
After I graduate from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising by 2016 (the dream college that I got accepted to my Jr year in high school), I plan on moving in the big city of New York. There I will continue my education at a fashion college for my bachelors with the intentions of some day being a style editor at a well known fashion magazine, similar to Larissa. I dream of traveling the world like her and inspiring others through fashion. With the determination that Carrie and I share, I will be sure to make that happen because I have nothing to lose in the end. I currently have a job while still in high school and taking college classes for over a year, I am dedicated and motivated to go after my dreams in the fashion industry. I see myself in Carrie Bradshaw at my age, apart from the crazy boy drama.
- Amanda Villegas

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